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Kandji Out of Home

Kandji Out Of Home

These 2022 campaigns for Kandji were launched in New York City, San Diego and San Francisco. The estimated impressions overall were over 20 million in San Diego, alone.

The campaigns ranged between billboards, airport placements (both digital and printed), bus shelters and miscellaneous printed and digital placements across the cities. The total amount of placements were over 200, launched n March 2022 and September 2022. The September 2022 campaign gained a significant amount of traction due to the strategic timeline of going up only days before Kandji’s largest competitor’s annual user conference in San Diego where Kandji is headquartered.

Launch: Q1 2022: SF and NY | Q3 2022: SD
Team: Kandji
Roles: Sole designer


The campaign received a lot of public recognition from Apple, Kandji employees and competitors.